
The beginning of the week ...

Welcome to the end of July! Not quite sure how we're so close to August already. Doesn't seem right. The last few days of the Smashword Sale are in full swing. If you're a reader and don't want to pay full price then hop over to Smashwords and grab some bargains! Well, worth having a nosy over there. In 9mm Press news ... Cryptobyte has a release date: Nov 10th! That's pretty exciting. This was said recently about Cryptobyte by Nikki Crutchley (if you haven't read Nikki then do so, you can find her paperbacks at Writers Plot Bookshop ). "Cryptobyte, with its original and intricate plot and gutsy intelligent protagonist, is the kind of blockbuster book where you have to stop and catch your breath once you've finished reading." -  Nikki Crutchley, writer.  [Finalist for the Ngaio Marsh Awards, Best First Novel, 2018.] We will be sharing the cover for Cryptobyte soon! :) Meanwhile, here's a wee video:

Soundbyte 15-second vid


Writing Process Secrets

By Leah Erickson, Cat Connor, and Lisa Towles Hello from 9mm Press! To help you get to know all of us better, we’ve joined forces to share the quirky, convoluted intricacies of our individual writing processes – how we write, when we write, where, tools, editing, output, and other stuff. If you have topics you want to hear about, post your comments below.  Leah Erickson, Cat Connor, and Lisa Towles Do you get up early in the morning and write, or are you a night owl? Leah: I tend to write at any time, except late night. Then my brain starts logging off.  Cat: Neither! I used to be a night owl, now I’m too tired for that shit. I write during the day and in the early evening. Lisa: Late at night, definitely a night owl. Are you more energized writing in a crowded coffeehouse, or in the quiet, dark silence?  Leah: Silence! Cat: Never in silence! I have music playing when I write - but I don’t like wearing earbuds or headphones when I’m writing or for the music
In the News... Lisa Towles here, grateful to be an invited contributor to this new blog and hoping to be sufficiently entertaining on your stopover at this new site. This is a big week, as my 6th work of fiction has just been launched! That means my book is now available in Kindle, Paperback, and all kinds of other e-formats.  THE UNSEEN, an international thriller, follows the trials, challenges, and ultimate quest(s) of its main character, Boston Herald investigative journalist, Alex Careski. What's Alex Careski's problem? His wife has been kidnapped, and he blames his father, the father who vanished years ago with a family secret the size of Jupiter. The secret: the whereabouts of an ancient relic - the first page of a 1st century scroll, and the meaning and significance behind the page and its relationship to his family, his past, and his future. Through its three hundred and something pages, you will see Alex as the hunter and the hunted, traveling beyond Bos

The inaugural post ...

No pressure at all. :) Welcome to the blog of the 9mm Press Writers. I'm Cat. Soon you will meet Leah and Lisa. Just so you know, we are awesome. I currently write The Byte Series ... and this week ... drum roll please ... The Boxed Set's are 50% off via Smashwords.   Who doesn't want 9 books for well under $10?? Or even 3 books for under $3? Seriously. It's a bargain. You still have a day to get in there and grab a boxed set! Kiwi's you have until the 2nd Sunday because it's the 1st in the Northern Hemisphere! :) Don't daly the clock is ticking! So, you know what I write. The 11th book in my series is due for release toward the end of this year. Qubyte (number 10) is entered in the Ngaio Marsh Awards this year - I couldn't take part in any of the Mystery in the Library Events this year (sad) as I was away.  At the moment I'm on the hunt for the perfect image to encapsulate the entire series. Not an easy task.  The Byte Seri