In the News...

Lisa Towles here, grateful to be an invited contributor to this new blog and hoping to be sufficiently entertaining on your stopover at this new site. This is a big week, as my 6th work of fiction has just been launched! That means my book is now available in Kindle, Paperback, and all kinds of other e-formats. 

THE UNSEEN, an international thriller, follows the trials, challenges, and ultimate quest(s) of its main character, Boston Herald investigative journalist, Alex Careski. What's Alex Careski's problem? His wife has been kidnapped, and he blames his father, the father who vanished years ago with a family secret the size of Jupiter. The secret: the whereabouts of an ancient relic - the first page of a 1st century scroll, and the meaning and significance behind the page and its relationship to his family, his past, and his future.

Through its three hundred and something pages, you will see Alex as the hunter and the hunted, traveling beyond Boston to Italy, to Ireland, realizing that traveling three thousand miles away is sometimes the best way to learn where (and who) home really is. 

And like most thrillers, this is just one "thread" of the story, the second following an unthinkable theft of two ancient books from the British Museum. 

I thought the news was that despite its long and tangled history, this book has finally been published. But I think the real news is that this book is about secrets, and no secret can stay buried forever.

Despite their desire to be unseen, secrets...find a way. 

Intrigued? Good! Please support independent authors and buy The Unseen from Amazon and, if you enjoy it, please leave a review so others will buy it too.
Thank you!!



Interested in the processes writers use to write a thriller? Stay tuned for our next post, which will compare the writing processes of Cat, Leah, and myself. 


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